Day by Day cartoon

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My butt is dragging today...

As is often the case about this time of the week, I'm just about wore out. I stay up too late and get up too early all week long and by this time of the week and day, I'm ready for a nap.

Which is really frowned upon here on the job... Not to mention the bad case of qwertyitis that I get when if I do happen to nod off. So, I'm struggling a bit this afternoon.

Work is back to full spead ahead after the holiday break, everybody wants something and they want it now, because they didn't ask for it last week. Typical. The saga of the lost kit continues but I might be getting closer to finding the needed parts. I just need one guy to answer his phone and go look in a box for me. If I solve this dilemma without spending any money, it will be a minor miracle. I have actually solved a number of nagging problems for several programs this week so I have been pretty productive.

In another minor miracle, the BSU and I were successful in copying embroidery files from the computer onto the magic, Husqvarna disc and into the sewing machine last night! It took a couple trips to talk to an expert but we were successful. I've discovered that Husqvarna's new USB Reader/Writer will not read the identical cards that could be loaded and unloaded using the old, parallel Reader/Writer. It would just be silly to make proprietary equipment backwards compatible now, wouldn't it? [/snark]

The coat that I've been wearing for the past 2 winters was really the nylon shelled liner for a cheap ski coat that I bought because I wanted the inner jacket. Last Saturday, while working at the ski resort, the zipper on the liner exploded leaving me with no everyday jacket and no ski coat liner... Rats! I know it was ugly but it worked. Yesterday I bought a fleece zippered jacket to be my new liner for the ski coat, from Ross. I also ordered a Duluth Traders Fire Hose fabric work Jacket for my winter wear.

So, you see, I'm not really being lazy, I'm just not stopping to post much.

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